Red, Red, Red
This is my friend Marcy’s band Red, Red, Red. She was one of the backup singers on the Scott Steven Erickson album listed previously. She is easily identifiable as she has a lovely and distinctive voice that will probably break glass if played loud enough. Plus, there is a song called monster movie night and that may qualify this as a halloween post.
Knives Earrings by TinyThunder
Knives Earrings by TinyThunder9 on Etsy.
My friend Phoebe Moore makes these. They are fashionable and deadly, both.
Classic dirty pictures:
dirty pictures 1. J. Vermeer, "Girl With A Pearl Necklace" 2. L. da Vinci, "Lady with an Ermine" 3. J. M. Whistler, "Whistler's MILF"
— Jeremy (@turnerjer) September 21, 2013
“Non-human electoral candidates”
Our old friend Wikipedia provides a page listing non-human electoral candidates, including Pigasus who was a candidate for president of the United States in 1968.
Pigasus and the Yippies were charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and bringing a pig to Chicago. At the trial, defense counsel William Kunstler accused the Democratic Party of doing exactly the same thing.
The trial transcript provides this exchange between Kunstler and folk singer Phil Ochs.
MR. KUNSTLER: Did you have any role yourself in that?
THE WITNESS: Yes, I helped select the pig, and I paid for him.
MR. KUNSTLER: Now, did you find a pig at once when you went out?
THE WITNESS: No, it was very difficult. We stopped at several farms and asked where the pigs were.
MR. KUNSTLER: None of the farmers referred you to the police station, did they?
MR. FORAN: Objection.
THE COURT: I sustain the objection…
MR. KUNSTLER: Would you state what, if anything, happened to the pig?
THE WITNESS: The pig was arrested with seven people.
MR. KUNSTLER: When did that take place?
THE WITNESS: This took place on the morning of August 23, at the Civic Center underneath the Picasso sculpture.
MR. KUNSTLER: Who were those seven people?
THE WITNESS: Jerry Rubin. Stew Albert, Wolfe Lowenthal, myself is four; I am not sure of the names of the other three.
MR. KUNSTLER: What were you doing when you were arrested?
THE WITNESS: We were arrested announcing the pig’s candidacy for President.
MR. KUNSTLER: Did Jerry Rubin speak?
THE WITNESS: Yes, Jerry Rubin was reading a prepared speech for the pig—the opening sentence was something like, “I, Pigasus, hereby announce my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States.” He was interrupted in his talk by the police who arrested us…
MR. KUNSTLER: Do you remember what you were charged with?
THE WITNESS: I believe the original charge mentioned was something about an old Chicago law about bringing livestock into the city, or disturbing the peace, or disorderly conduct, and when it came time for the trial, I believe the charge was disorderly conduct.
MR. KUNSTLER: Were you informed by a police officer that the pig had squealed on you?
[amazon asin=B004VN7RN0&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001AXU1FA&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=067120601X&template=iframe image]
[The genesis of this post being a link
from Sara Lachman greatfully acnowledged.]
Sometimes I think of Canada and their doughnuts
You know, I have never eaten at a Canadian restaurant. So I have never tasted Canadian food, having never traversed the 250 miles to the border. But I have grown, over time, to suspect that Canadian food is mostly doughnuts. And that hardly seems worth the drive.
I do get the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) here and it is mostly hockey games and doughnut advertisements.
And yes, I understand they also have fries with gravy on them. And doughnuts. But they are proud Canadian doughnuts, no doubt. They don’t call them doughnuts though. They call them “The circle of life.”
And they did name a city “Moose Jaw*” so I have to give them that. Do you have any idea what the per capita consumption of doughnuts is in Moose Jaw?
* I only know this because I have
a lot of albums by the Guess Who.
This only impresses Canadians.
I do love The Guess Who. And here is a webpage where you can download a live recording from 1974.  Very nice!
[amazon asin=B00138JBBW&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001HDYFCS&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001HDUIY2&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001HDWKPM&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001HE2LQE&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B001HDYERE&template=iframe image]Â [amazon asin=B00138HA4C&template=iframe image]
Adaptations to a Modern Age by Scott Steven Erickson
Adaptations to a Modern Age by Scott Steven Erickson
In the interest of disclosure, I sang in the background on some of the tracks on this album.
It is a fine album filled with many instruments, in motion.
It is unusual, like you. It has a song about bananas, which are filled with potassium, not unlike you.
Also, it has a beat and you can dance to it.
If this has not convinced you, you may listen below: