July 2016

Bear all

The bear ate a pear
You think, how debonair
But she wanted the eclair
Which was already eaten in a picnick-error
By a picnicker who was an au pair
But tasted like an upholstered chair
So the bear followed up by eating a pear
And slept that night without a care.

– From the little book of rhymes about well fed-up bears


Try not to be diminished

I like to do math
It puts me back
On that evil left handed path
For what is math
That Wicked art
Which reduces all to that
Numeric flow chart
It sets one and one apart
Ripped from each other
With a cold math heart
And joins together randoms
Thereby forced to work in tandem
For the sake of the equation
Where the means justify the ends
On paper everything’s good and right
For no one cares of the numbers plight.