Book Cat
Imagine your favourite book. That isn't a book, it's a cat. And it's just sitting there. You have a poor imagination.
— WaterstonesOxfordSt (@WstonesOxfordSt) January 9, 2014
And that goes double for mimes.
The biggest problem with the term “white privilege” is that it was created by white people. Just another attempt by white people to make everything about them.
“Give & Take” by David Raffin & Richard F. Yates
“Give & Take” by David Raffin & Richard F. Yates | The Primitive Entertainment Workshop.
“It is my belief that recycling makes up for all the evil I do.”
—Raffin & Yates
[Words by David Raffin. Image by Richard F. Yates.]
Insult to Injury
The US medical system has long claimed to be exceptional.
For example, every medical billing department has a team on staff to add insult to injury. They wanted to know if they could keep them under the new law.
And the answer was, “Yes, if you like them.”
Trolls never get my goat
Life is rough / if you are a Billy Goat / and you are gruff. Then you meet a troll under a bridge / and enough is enough / for you are king of the ridge.
Postage past due
I received an Xmas card saying, “Don’t get trapped in a snow globe.” Now I am trapped in a snow globe. I have almost no one to blame but mysel…
After all, this was a trap.
The mathematics of culpability, squared.
Years ago postage stamps were bothersome. With the advent of self-adhesion, we finally licked that sticky little problem. Progress, but at great price.
The pudding of Xmas past, the gruel of Xmas present
The most famous reindeer of all was Charles Dickens. What a Dickens!
He invented Xmas pudding. Which hardly anybody eats anymore. He started the tradition of orphans eating thin gruel. Now nobody eats gruel. Except orphans. Xmas morning: “Hello gruel world.”
(Gruel world is a future theme park for orphans.)
The Dickens, you say!
(This festive octopus painting by Richard F. Yates.)