At first when looking at this photo I thought: “That cat is sad.”
Then I realized, in fact, that this cat is a dreamer and a utopian.
More Than True, A journal of. Published under the auspices of the HiSky* Trust, founded 1957 to promote disorder. (*Hiss-Key)
At first when looking at this photo I thought: “That cat is sad.”
Then I realized, in fact, that this cat is a dreamer and a utopian.
The good news is that I have neither the rocking’ pneumonia or the boogie woogie blues. The bad news, as explained by my doctor, is that I am in love with a ghost. “We refer to that as ghostly melancholia,” he said. “Always unrequited,” he added, “as ghosts are insubstantial.”
“What is the prognosis?” I asked.
“We usually treat this with ice cream and the collected sad songs of Johnny Cash. However, I must advise you that this almost always causes the condition to spiral into melancholia caused by eating too much ice cream and listening to too many sad songs, making one forget, but not entirely, the original malady.”
“You know,” I said, “I came in here to see about my hip impingement.”
“Who’s the doctor here?” he said, handing me a quart of vegan ice cream and a Johnny Cash box set.
Lately I have been listening to Philosophize This! by Stephen West as he discusses pre-Socratic and Socratic philosophers. And it’s really very good. It’s even better if you imagine that the narrator is a talking owl. Adds a certain sense of veracity to the proceedings.
I mean, we’ve all heard you can’t cross the same river twice. But imagine an owl relaying this pre-Socratic wisdom to you. See?
The first three moon bases broken down: Luna A: old and staid; Luna B: the one to see, but I wouldn’t want to live there; Luna C: The place to be.
“David Raffin is a witty writer and crafty performer. He also sleeps standing up, like a camel, which can be disconcerting, at first.”
– Richard Lindsay, artist and KBOO radio personality.
A book of jokes, anti-jokes, philosophy, and bears.
ebook: [amazon asin=B0080AGLNC&template=iframe image] print: [amazon asin=1490919112&template=iframe image]